News about the life of Kenny, Anna, Evie and Aedan
Monday, September 24, 2007
Inside Day
It was raining today so Evie stayed inside all day. I put out Tash's tent for her to crawl through and play under. She had her last meningitis vaccination today so had moments of being unhappy.
I put on Baby Noah for her to watch on the TV, she really enjoys watching the animals and the puppets.
But then even that can get a little tiresome! A sure sign that just perhaps it might be bedtime!
Kenny and I bought Evie a new rubber duckie while we were away - and this one actually floats! I like to bath Evie in front of the fire when Kenny's away.
Stories before bed - "Dear Zoo" is one of Evie's favourite books as well as Spot!. She is very good with lift the flap books.